Kenyan Author Ngugi Wa Thiong’o Talks to Fictions of Empire Class

On October 26, 2015, students in FSSY 173 (Fictions of Empire) had a Skype conversation with the renowned Kenyan author Ngugi Wa Thiong'o during Fourth Hour. Thiong'o is currently a Distinguished Professor in Comparative Literature and English at the School of Humanities at University of California, Irvine. In FSSY...

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Amy Absher – Teaching History in the Digital Age

SAGES Fellow Amy Absher has had an article published today on Process Blog in which she discusses the ways digital technology such as MMPORGs can be used to teach history. The article, From Minecraft to Mindcraft: Integrating Digital Humanities into History Courses, can be found online here.

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Prepare to submit your SAGES Writing Portfolio with help from upcoming workshops

SAGES Writing Portfolios are due the semester after completion of the second University Seminar (Nov. 1 and March 1)—which means it’s almost time for many students to submit their work. Eric Chilton, English lecturer and portfolio coordinator, will lead workshops to help students complete their portfolios, covering the requirements and guidelines, and helping...

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How Gun Control Came to Britain

SAGES English Lecturer Luke Reader has a new article on History News Network called How Gun Control Came to Britain, which explores how Britain enacted tougher gun laws following a 1996 shooting at a primary school. He explains that though he believes the United States is different, there are...

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The 2015 Anisfield-Wolf Award Ceremony

10 September 2015 saw the annual Anisfield-Wolf ceremony to recognize books that have made important contributions to our understanding of racism and human diversity. Cleveland poet and philanthropist Edith Anisfield Wolf established the book awards in 1935, in honor of her father, John Anisfield, and husband, Eugene Wolf, to...

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Matthew Feinberg – Talk at Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative

On Friday 2 October, SAGES English Lecturer Matthew Feinberg will be giving a talk at Kent State's Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative downtown at 1309 Cleveland Ave Suite 200, from 12-1. It is free and open to the public. The title of the talk is Re-Making Madrid: The Cultural Ecology of...

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