SAGES Writing Portfolio Review Committee Reports

The SAGES Writing Portfolio is the mid-career portfolio assembled by students after they have completed their First Seminar and two University Seminars. Each student’s portfolio contains one essay from these SAGES courses and a reflection written by the student. Since 2009, these portfolios have been assessed each year by a committee of faculty members from across the university (except for 2020, when the pandemic prevented a review). The results of this review are shared with the campus community and used by SAGES to shape the curriculum and pedagogical emphases. With the start of the new UGER in the fall of 2023, Portfolio assessment has the explicit goal of translating what we know about CWRU student writing in ways relevant for writing in the new curriculum.
Portfolio committee reports are available below and include findings, recommendations, rubrics, and the data they generated during that year’s review.


  • SAGES Portfolio Committee Report (2024) Executive Summary (2024)
  • SAGES Portfolio Committee Report (2023) Executive Summary (2023)
  • SAGES Portfolio Committee Report (2022) Executive Summary (2022)
  • SAGES Portfolio Committee Report (2021) Executive Summary (2021)
  • SAGES Portfolio Committee Report (2019) Executive Summary (2019)
  • SAGES Portfolio Committee Report (2018) Executive Summary (2018)
  • SAGES Portfolio Committee Report (2017) Executive Summary (2017)
  • SAGES Portfolio Committee Report (2016) Executive Summary (2016)
  • SAGES Portfolio Committee Report (2015) Executive Summary (2015)

Earlier writing portfolio reports are available; please email SAGES if you require access.