SAGES Fellow David Lucas

SAGES Fellow David Lucas has moderated a round table with poets David Baker and Jill Bialosky for Belt magazine, available here. His poem "November" is being reprinted in the 11th ed. of The Bedford Introduction to Literature and Thinking and Writing about Poetry, edited by Michael Meyer. New work by...

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John Flores – Winner of the 2015 Richard A. Bloom Award

John Flores has received the 2015 Richard A. Bloom, M.D., Excellence in SAGES Teaching Award. Dr. Flores is from the Department of History where he holds the position of Climo Junior Professor of the College of Arts and Sciences. Dr. Flores was nominated by students in his University Seminar...

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First Seminar Registration Problems

Some students currently registering for First Seminar are encountering an issue where they select and submit courses and are then given an Error Code 1438571294.0.530.0. We're aware of the problem, and we're working to fix it. We are receiving all students' selections, and students do not need to take...

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SAGES class talk to authors Jess Walter and Sinan Antoon

On February 24, author Jess Walter visited the USSY287M Literature of 9-11 seminar taught by Suhaan Mehta, via Face Time, for a lively conversation on his novel The Zero (2006). The Zero captures the trauma of ordinary Americans after 9/11 through the perspective of a cop named Brian Remy. Mr. Walter answered...

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Congratulations to SAGES Nominees

SAGES is delighted to announce that a number of SAGES Fellows and Lecturers have been nominated for the 2015 Carl F. Wittke Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, and for the J. Bruce Jackson, M.D., Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Mentoring. Nominated by current undergraduates and recent alums, these...

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Talk at Happy Dog on birthing practices in 18th-19th centuries

The Institute for the Study of Origins will sponsor a public talk titled “Tools for Tots: Broken noses, disenfranchised midwives, and the rise of birth technology.” SAGES fellow Brandy Schillace will present the talk at Happy Dog at the Euclid Tavern on Wednesday, March 11, at 6 p.m. Dr...

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